World War I Mail Art

By Theresa Easton

In this post, Community Artist Theresa Easton shares with us a Mail Art project shared between young people in England, Germany and Australia. The outcomes of the project reflected on research of WW1 social history and opened a cross cultural dialogue challenging and providing alternative views to the events of WW1. Read more to find out about the roots of Mail Art and see the creative outcomes of the project.

Young People in Germany looking at Australian Mail Art by Theresa Easton

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

What We Like About This Resource….

“This project links poignant subject matter with meaningful art processes and local history. What we learn about the re purposing of materials, (in this case spent ammunition) re affirms how we can use what is around us as a starting point to making and creating. You could extend or adapt this project by looking at broken pottery, re purposing that into new sculptures that link with Roman or other local historical cultures” – Rachel, AccessArt

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