Which Artists: Toby Pritchard


By Toby Pritchard

Toby Pritchard is a recent Masters Graduate from Manchester School of Art where he studied Illustration. In this post he shares his creative journey and the development of his practice over the years from 3D Stop Motion Animation to more digital animation. Toby talks about inspirations, from artists like Eyvind Earle to percussion music and explains how anthropomorphism (the attribution of human characteristics or behaviour to a god, animal, or object) has given his work life.

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“It’s a really positive thing for an artist to share the concept of the creative journey. At AccessArt we believe journeys are pretty important and we are pleased to show this in action through Toby Pritchard’s post. We particularly like the anthropomorphic element, and how this really brings life to Toby’s work.” – Rachel, AccessArt

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