Which Artists: The Life & Works of Madge Gill


By Sophie Dutton

In this post Art Director and Curator Sophie Dutton talks about the life and works of artist Madge Gill. As a self-taught artist born in the late Nineteenth Century, Madge created meticulous small-scale and monumental works, skilfully exploring different techniques and formats including paints, inks and textiles. A life time of drawing, painting and embroidering has resulted in a rich tapestry of the life of Madge Gill. Sophie Dutton takes us on a journey of Madge Gill’s life and work, through extracts of her book Madge Gill by Myrninerest and the monumental exhibition Nature in Mind.

Madge Gill East Ldn Textile 22052021 Keith J Martin by Sophie Dutton

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“The life of Madge Gill that Sophie Dutton recounts here gives us real insight into the challenges that Madge Gill experienced, and how these challenges would have been common among women at the time. When we study the work of Artists, it adds a rich context to our experience of their work to consider their personal history, and helps us ask questions like ‘why do you think the Artist painted in this way or was inspired by this subject matter?’ If you introduce your class to Madge Gill, begin with looking back over her younger life to try and better understand her motivations as an Artist” – Rachel, AccessArt

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