Which Artists: Su Blackwell


By Su Blackwell

Su Blackwell is an artist who creates beautiful cut out paper illustrations. As well as exhibiting her sculptures worldwide, she has also designed sets for theatre and been involved in many high profile campaigns. In this resource Su shares her journey working within the realm of paper, from her own experiments with books forests to being the set designer working on the set for Hans Christian Anderson’s ‘The Snow Queen’.

The Snow Queen performed at The Rose Theatre Kingston by Su Blackwell

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

What We Like About This Resource....

“It’s really interesting to hear how Su’s career path evolved organically, and how experimenting with different disciplines such as ceramics and sculpture whilst studying Textiles at the RCA began her journey towards paper craft and books. We really like how the small book sculptures inspired the larger scale set designs for The Snow Queen. They transfer so effectively to the stage and you can imagine how engaging it would be for a young audience to recognise letters and words on lampposts and other scenic elements”. – Rachel, AccessArt

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