Which Artists: Faith Bebbington


By Faith Bebbington

Faith Bebbington is a nationally renowned sculptor based in Liverpool. From creating sculptures for the Football Association to campaigning for endangered species, Faith has worked with a range of big name clients. Faith is best known for her sustainable practise; her large sculptures utilise lots of waste materials, with her biggest sculpture to date re-using over 2500 deconstructed plastic milk bottles! This post may be of interest to both primary and secondary aged children, who would like to see how environmentally engaged sculptors bring their works to the public setting.

Close up of Wembley Lion (cardboard) by Faith Bebbington

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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“Faith’s work creating sculptures using recycled or discarded plastic is really beautiful, and exceeds expectation of what we might consider scrap plastic being able to do. The processes she uses, particularly with the dancing figures, are all easily accessible to a school setting, with tape, card, wire being relatively inexpensive and simple to use. Delivering an Art project using waste plastic has cross curricular links with other subject areas, particularly PSHE and Geography where children may be learning about the environment and how to protect it” – Tobi, AccessArt.

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