A Visual Poetry Zine with Monotype

This post shares the making of a visual poetry zine, using collage and monotype.

The activity provides lots of space for visual interpretation/personal creative response to poetry or even film. It also provides an opportunity for a more intuitive exploration of colour, line and shape, as well as space for an exploration of the relationship between text and image on the page.

Monoprinted pages folded into zine


You will need:

  • A1 sheets of cartridge paper (1 per pupil).
  • Smaller sheets of paper (any type such as cartridge or sugar paper, but not thin printer paper). These sheets are used to collage with.
  • Printer paper, to use to ink the monotype OR Carbon Copy paper.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • Printing ink (black or dark blue)*
  • Newsprint to protect table.*
  • Rollers.*
  • Recycled cardboard as paint palettes.
  • Brushes, water.
  • PVA or glue stick glue.
  • * not needed if you use Carbon Copy paper method

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Littleport Community Primary School Year 5 Making Monotypes - these were inspired by Sea Fever the poem by John Masefield
Littleport Community Primary School Year 5 Making Monotypes - these were inspired by Sea Fever the poem by John Masefield
Littleport Community Primary School Year 5 Making Monotypes - these were inspired by Sea Fever the poem by John Masefield
Littleport Community Primary School Year 5 Making Monotypes - these were inspired by Sea Fever the poem by John Masefield

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