A Visual Poetry Zine with Monotype
This post shares the making of a visual poetry zine, using collage and monotype.
The activity provides lots of space for visual interpretation/personal creative response to poetry or even film. It also provides an opportunity for a more intuitive exploration of colour, line and shape, as well as space for an exploration of the relationship between text and image on the page.
You will need:
- A1 sheets of cartridge paper (1 per pupil).
- Smaller sheets of paper (any type such as cartridge or sugar paper, but not thin printer paper). These sheets are used to collage with.
- Printer paper, to use to ink the monotype OR Carbon Copy paper.
- Acrylic paints.
- Printing ink (black or dark blue)*
- Newsprint to protect table.*
- Rollers.*
- Recycled cardboard as paint palettes.
- Brushes, water.
- PVA or glue stick glue.
- * not needed if you use Carbon Copy paper method
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Paul K
March 22, 2025 @ 2:24 pm
How do I make sure that, when I lay the inked piece over what is there, it doesn’t just cover the whole page with black ink?
March 24, 2025 @ 9:59 am
Hi Paul, if you use carbon copy paper, you’ll be less likely to have transferal or ink outside the pattern you’re drawing. If you’re using the ink and roller technique, you will get a degree of ‘smudging’, but if the ink isn’t rolled too thick, this won’t be too much and may add something interesting and ‘accidental’ to the zine. I would test out both ways yourself first and see which you think would work in your setting. I hope this is helpful!