Typography for Children

By Paula Briggs

This resource introduces children to the art of typography. Exploring the creation of the letters of a tyepface in an intuitive and fun way, this hour long session encouraged primary-aged children (7,8, and 9 years) to think about the structure and design of letters as having personalities. Taking our starting point from observational drawing, children went on to develop graphic onomatopoeia.

Typography for children
Typography for children


Upper and lower case letters
Upper and lower case letters


Starting Points

We began the session by talking about some of the typefaces we are familiar with, and how easy it is using computers to experiment with different fonts for different purposes. I introduced the idea that someone somewhere had designed the typefaces, just like someone designs the cups and plates and cars we use, and that this is the art of typography.

Children had previously enjoyed the Thoughtful Mark Making exercise, which encourages diverse and intentional mark making. I wanted the children to bring some of this diversity of line to their typography, and would recommend using that exercise as a warm up before you try this session.

I wanted the children to begin with some observational drawing, not only to give them a starting point for their typography, but also to reinforce the relationship of drawing to design.

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Year 5
Year 5
Year 4, Stockport Grammar Junior School
Year 5, Bramber Primary School, Worthing
Year 5, Bramber Primary School, Worthing
Year 5, Bramber Primary School, Worthing
Year 5, Selborne Primary School
Year 5, Selborne Primary School

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