Capsule of Time
When I received box 12 I was really excited, I didn’t open it for at least three weeks!
The items were colour coded and all very neat! The things that really caught my imagination were the couple of pages of information on bird eggs and the fabric. The egg represented recycle of time and the fabric of a past times.
One page featured the Jackdaw and the Maggie, the Jackdaw being a sociable bird and the Magpie being known to be a hoarder.
Box no.12 came together after working in a hospice; Like the jackdaw, it will become a social gathering, it becomes group of people sharing time and will share little pockets of memories would pop up some sad, some happy, we would have a laugh or a cry.
Then these special memories would be put away and we would carry on with the clay work.
Like the magpie we collect little items. This reminded me of the glass cabinets, wall units that use to be popular in most front rooms which would have small inexpensive items of treasured memories, that were only taken out on special occasions.