Foam Printing Lesson for Children and Young People

By Paula Briggs and Sheila Ceccarelli

Foam printing is a very accessible activity for children, with great results for very little money.

AccessArt have been experimenting with printmaking with children and teenagers and here are some quick tips to get you started block printing with this foam printing lesson plan.

For a clear step-by-step illustrated PDF Accessible Printmaking Techniques here.

Quickprint Foam is a thin polystyrene based material which can be used to make prints quickly, safely and cheaply, making it suitable for even the youngest child to use. Many prints can be made from a single block.

You will need:

  • Quickprint Foam*
  • Blunt Pencil
  • Acrylic Paint or Block Printing Ink
  • Roller - cheap education rollers can be bought for between £2.99 and £3.50**
  • Acetate sheet (like old Xerox acetates) to use as a palate
  • Paper

*You can also try using pizza base packaging.

Setting Up The Room and What to Draw

Allow a minimum of 1 and a 1/4 hours for a session and allow at least 15 mins at the end of the session to tidy up!

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