In this post Andrew challenges you to unleash your subconscious creativity whilst nurturing your relationships with family and friends.
Make an audio call to a friend or someone in your family you want to catch up with… and draw! Forget about what your hand is doing and concentrate on the person talking. Post a pic of your drawing or a detail from it with the hashtag #Virtualforest2020 and #theotherendoftheline
Question: What did the drawing affect your conversation and how did you conversation affect your drawing?
“It’s a grey rainy day in Berlin, but its the perfect day for our next challenge.
I love to draw, not the take out a piece of paper and draw this kind of drawing. More the you don’t even know you’re drawing drawing if you know what I mean. Well if not, then todays challenge is for you.
Lets start by making a good old fashioned phone call. Now this might be the most difficult part of the challenge because we’re so used to using our thumbs to connect and express our emojis, but this is important so make the call. While you’re on the call do your best to listen, I mean really listen.
While at the same time, let your hand draw whatever it wants. This challenge is all about connecting, connecting to one another and also to a part of our brain that we know best from our dreams.
Try it and see what happens. Take a picture of what you draw or just a little detail you like and send it to the rest of use using the hashtag #virtualforest2020 and #theotherendoftheline.”