Minibeast Artwork by Tracy McGuinness-Kelly
By Tracy McGuinness-Kelly
Tracy McGuinness-Kelly’s aim for this project was to create a beautiful collaborative collage with the children that would be for permanent display inside the school.
The project tied in with their current topic of minibeasts . There were 83 children aged between 4 and 5 years old. They were broken up into small manageable groups.

I painted lots of pieces of thin card I had lying around my studio with acrylic paint. I let one side dry, then I painted the other side. This was to give the children more choices when designing their minibeast. I layered colours and textures to add depth. I then hand cut lots of little minibeast bodies, heads, legs, antenna, wings etc. I was working within a tight time frame on this project but time permitting both of these steps could be done by more able children, possibly in two separate sessions. Learning very useful skills such as using sharp scissors to cut small shapes or mixing lots of different colours seem to be getting lost in schools…
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Charlotte J
May 24, 2021 @ 7:54 pm
I loved this idea, and when St David’s Day came round here in Wales, I adapted it it for Year One and Reception to create their own Dragons. I was pleased to see that the offcuts I’d included were at least as popular as the shapes I’d intentionally cut for them!
May 26, 2021 @ 1:53 pm
How wonderful charlotte thank you! Great adaptation!