The Art Now Inquiry explores the current state of art and design education across the four nations. It was commissioned by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Art, Craft and Design Education in response to concerns about the reduction in opportunities for children and young people to access high quality art and design education across the primary and secondary phases of schooling.
The Inquiry ran between Spring 2020 and Spring 2023 and includes a Rapid Evidence Review of the benefits of art and design education, a literature review of art teaching and teacher education, a national survey of 1,860 art and design teachers and testimony from two evidence sessions.
The report makes the case for art and design education, and the critical importance of investing in a diverse subject-specialist workforce. It starts with an examination of teacher training in art and design which is essential for equipping teachers with the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to deliver the curriculum. The Inquiry goes behind the numbers to explore the working conditions, well-being and career intentions of art and design teachers. The findings provide a health check on the training and retention of art and design teachers, and highlight the time and resource needed to support high quality provision and access for all.
You can download the report by clicking the image below.
You can now find a template letter which has been created by Sharon Hodgson MP and her new parliamentary team to support the Art Now Campaign and petition.

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