Pathway: Telling Stories Through Drawing & Making
Pathway for Years 3 & 4
Drawing, Sculpture, Sketchbooks
Key Concepts:
That we can take inspiration from other artforms such as film and literature and make work in 3 dimensions in response.
That through making work in another medium we can make the work our own, re-interpreting and re-inventing.
That we can explore character, narrative and context and create objects (sculptures) which convey these qualities through their form, texture, material, construction and colour.
In this pathway children are enabled to make sculptural equivalents of characters from film and literature.
The pathway begins with an introduction to the work of two artists who use their sketchbooks to help them make the transition from words/film to image/object.
Pupils then use their own sketchbooks to explore their response to the original stimulus, and then go on to develop and make a sculptural character.
The pathway is easily adapted to which ever books/films you are studying in class.
Paper, Drawing Materials, Modelling & Construction Materials (Modroc, clay, plasticine etc).
Artists: Rosie Hurley, Inbal Leitner, Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
Find the Zoom CPD session recording exploring Figure Drawing here.
Find the Zoom CPD session recording exploring Modroc here.
Curriculum Links
English: Link to “character” books such as Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot, Dirty Beasts, The Minpins or James and the Giant Peach to inspire making.
Science: Materials, animals, micro habitats.
Maths: 2D/3D shapes, measuring, weight.
PSHE: Responsibility to the planet, collaboration, peer discussion.
I Can…
I have seen how artists are inspired by other artists often working in other artforms.
I have understood how artists sometimes use sketchbooks to understand and explore their own response to an artists work.
I can use my own sketchbook to explore my response to the chosen book/film, making visual notes, jotting down ideas and testing materials.
I can make a sculpture using materials to model or construct which is inspired by a character in a book or film.
I can reflect and share how the way I made my sculpture helps capture my feelings about the original character.
I can enjoy looking at the sculptures made by my classmates and see ways in which they are different and similar to each other and to the original character.
I can share my feedback about my classmates work.
I can take photographs of my work thinking about focus, background and lighting.