Making a Stencil from a Picture


This workshop is part of a new and evolving series of workshops created in collaboration with teenagers from AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class, where teenagers themselves are encouraged to teach and facilitate the creative process to other teenagers. In this resource teenagers share their knowledge of making a stencil from a picture.

Making a Stencil from a picture
Teenager introduces a workshop


Over two, one and a 1/4 hour sessions, Sara and Jasmine, aged 15, shared their knowledge of How to Make a Stencil and use spray paint with other teenagers.

Sara and Jasmine did an altogether brilliant job of sharing their knowledge and students achieved remarkable results!

You Will Need

If you want to make stancils to use with spray paint, you will need;

Good cartridge paper of a good weight,

Pencils and felt tip markers,

Cutting surface (we used old mount board and cardboard),

Craft knives with new, clean blades.


Jasmine and Sara are doing GCSE Art and are working on final pieces for assessment, for which they have done a lot of preparation in their sketchbooks.

Jasmine and Sara Introduce 'How to Make a Stencil'
Jasmine and Sara Introduce ‘How to Make a Stencil’


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