Talking Points: Lubaina Himid

A collection of imagery and sources designed to introduce pupils to the Artist Lubaina Himid.

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ages 9-11
ages 11-14
ages 14-16
free to access

Lubaina Himid

“Born in Zanzibar in 1954, Lubaina Himid is a British painter who has dedicated her thirty-year-long career to uncovering marginalised and silenced histories, figures, and cultural moments. Himid creates paintings, drawings, prints and installations. She paints on a variety of surfaces, including ceramic and wood, often producing objects with performative potential intended to be encountered in a space”. RA

Look closely at the artwork ‘Naming the Money’ on Google Arts and Culture.

Watch the videos below to learn more about Lubaina Himid’s work and ideas.

Note for teachers on adult content: Please be advised that some of Himid’s work contains inappropriate imagery, some of which may be visible in the background of these videos. Please ensure you have watched them first to ensure you are happy to show to your class.

Note for teachers on adult content: We have tried to ensure that all videos below are suitable for use in schools, but please be advised that some of  Himid’s work does address adult themes. Please ensure you have watched these videos first to ensure you are happy to show to your class.

Questions to Ask Children:

What different surfaces does Lubaina Himid work on? What type of paint does she use?

What can you read from the expressions on the two figures in the artwork called ‘Carrot Piece’? What do you think they are thinking or saying?

Do you think the man on the right is turning and standing still or is he walking away? Why might he want to do that?

Lubaina Himid describes the figures as “larger than life” – what do you think it would be like to see such a large artwork in real life? 


Watch the video on Vimeo to find the playbar and controls.

Questions to Ask Children:

What warm or hot colours do you notice in some of the paintings displayed in the video?

Do you agree the paintings are vibrant? Why?

Some of the figures in the paintings appear to be quite flat and almost 2 dimensional. Do you think Lubaina Himid painted them in this way deliberately and what effect does it create?

Watch the video below from 2.00-3.30 minutes.

Questions to Ask Children:

What do you think it would be like to walk in and amongst all the painted wooden figures?

Some of the figures are playing musical instruments – what kind of music do you imagine they are playing?

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