Talking Points: Julie Chen


A collection of imagery and sources designed to introduce students to book artist, Julie Chen.

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ages 9-11
ages 11-14
ages 14-16
free to access

Julie Chen is an artist specialising in books. Her work doubles up as both a traditional book and also a sculpture. Her books can be found in libraries all over the world. Julie Chen’s “approach to artists’ books combines personal narratives with book forms that present the reader with both intimate reading experience as well as beautiful objects that can be displayed as sculpture.” – National Museum of Women in the Arts

Watch the videos below to see Chen’s books come to life. Explore more of Julie’s work on her website.

Ode To A Grand Staircase By Julie Chen
Ode To A Grand Staircase By Julie Chen

Questions to Ask Students

What kind of structures and shapes can you see within Julie Chen’s books?

What do you like / dislike about the work?

How does Julie use structures to communicate her narrative?

Do you think this is an effective way to communicate a narrative, why?

If you were building a book about the impact of climate change what kind of structures or shapes might you include?

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