Talking Points: Gail Brodholt

Videos and sources to help you explore the work of Printmaker Gail Brodholt.

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ages 11-14
ages 14-16
free to access

Gail Brodholt

“I suppose what I’m really interested in is those unconsidered and unnoticed places that people pass through. They are on their way to somewhere else, presumably more important – on the escalators, on the tube, train station platforms, motorways….

“I like the sense we all have that between here and there anything can happen. Although of course it almost always doesn’t. When you are travelling you are free from normal life with all the anticipation of an adventure ahead of you.”

Gail is both a painter and a printmaker and finds that working in one medium informs and enhances the other. – Gail’s Website

Questions to Ask Students

What do you notice about Gail’s process?

What can you spot any themes running through her prints?

How would you describe Gail’s poster for the London Transport System? Consider line and colour.

What do you like about Gail’s work?

Do you prefer the black and white work or the coloured work? Why?

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