Talking Points: Chris Kenny


A collection of sources and imagery to explore the work of Chris Kenny.

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ages 5-8
ages 9-11
free to access


Chris Kenny works with humble, found materials: fragments excised from books or maps, discarded photographs or books, and fine twigs. He transforms these constructing fragile pertinent worlds that provoke wonder, humour or pathos.

Please note that that there are swear words on the artists website so you may not want to ask pupils to research by their own accord.

Twenty Twigs 2021 36 x 36 x 5inches Construction with cut twigs By Chris Kenny

Twenty Twigs 2021 36 x 36 x 5inches Construction with cut twigs By Chris Kenny

Twelve Twigs 2012 construction with twigs 22 x 22 x 3” by Chris Kenny

Twelve Twigs 2012 construction with twigs 22 x 22 x 3” by Chris Kenny

Questions to Ask Children

Describe what you see.

What could the stick people be doing?

Which is your favourite stick man? Why?

Noli Me Tangere (After Veronese) 2016 construction with found twigs 27 x 27 x 3" by Chris Kenny

Noli Me Tangere (After Veronese) 2016 construction with found twigs 27 x 27 x 3″ by Chris Kenny

Questions to Ask Children

What do you think is happening in this image?

How does this image make you feel?

How do you think the artist created this stick image? Do you think he planned the image with a pencil or just start making?



Mexico Triptych, Second Panel 2018 Construction With Map Fragments 36 x 36 x 3 by Chris Kenny

Mexico Triptych, Second Panel 2018 Construction With Map Fragments 36 x 36 x 3 by Chris Kenny

Maidenhead Thicket 2011 construction with map fragments by Chris Kenny

Maidenhead Thicket 2011 construction with map fragments by Chris Kenny

Elsewhere 2014 18 x 18 x 3 construction with map fragments by Chris Kenny

Elsewhere 2014 18 x 18 x 3 construction with map fragments by Chris Kenny

Questions for Children…

Describe what you can see.

Do you like this work? Why?

How does it make you feel?

Which map is your favourite and why?

How much does Chris Kenny reveal about himself through the map?

Can you spot any symbols or visual metaphors? 

This Talking Points Is Used In...

using sketchbooks to make visual notes

Show me what you see