A collection of imagery and sources designed to introduce pupils to character design in animation.
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Pixar: Designing Inside Out Characters
Pixar Animation Studios’ character art director Albert Lozano joins Variety’s David Cohen to reveal the thinking behind the ingenious emotions of the hit “Inside Out.” – Variety
Questions to Ask Children
Can you think of some different shapes that you feel describe joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust?
Which features have the animators used to express the character?
Which character is your favourite? Why?
Kung Fu Panda
Raymond Zibach, Production Designer gives insight into how characters were designed on Kung Fu Panda and the importance actors give to the intricate designs and expressions of their characters. –ACMI
Questions to Ask Children
What’s your favourite animal? What kind of personality might it have?
Which features have the animators used to express the character eg, facial features? nose? eyes? mouth? Or other features?
What Makes Good Character Design?
In this interview series with Disney Animation Studio Artists, animators talk about what is a good character design for each artist. – MoGraph Mentor
Questions to Ask Children
After watching this video what do you think is the most important feature of character design to you?
Disney Dream Job Series
Questions to Ask Children
What is your favourite animated character, why?
What would you like to see more of in animated characters? This might refer to appearance, values, temperament etc.