Why Use Drama in an Art Lesson?

By David Allen.

In this Drama and Art series, teacher and Associate Professor David Allen explains the different ways in which drama and art intersect, and how the two subjects can be taught together to foster skills in creative thinking, communication as well as nurture an awareness and appreciation of art.

David has worked in primary schools for over twenty years as a teacher, senior leader and Deputy Head teacher. He now works part time as an Associate Professor in Learning and Teaching at The University of Hertfordshire

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

Drama Activity: An Art Conversation

Drama Activity: Hot-seating a Character

Drama Activity: Spontaneous Role Play

Drama Activity: Freeze Frame and Thought-tapping

Coat-hanger Shells

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Drawing and Making Flowers

Student creates texture and colour by mark making onto a sculptural flower

Painted and Sculptural Plant Pots

A finished collaged plant made with painted card and wire.

Drawing Insects with Wire

Lottie makes her wire 'drawing' inspired by her continuous line drawing of a moth

Session Recording: Class Crit

Session Recording: Making Shadow Puppets

Analogue Drawing

What We Like About This Resource…

“This activity highlights how visual communication can be used to convey emotion. When artwork is relatable in a human and emotive way it can be really powerful. Learning how to translate feeling into mark-making is a really important skill and can help children break down the essence of a range of their own emotions, and communicate it to others. Explore colour and a range of materials to enrich this experience.” – Tobi, AccessArt.

Session Recording: Exploring Line Weight

Session Recording: Exploring Charcoal

Session Recording: Finding Marks Made by Artists

Mixed Media Landscape Challenges

See This Resource Used In Schools…

Year 5, Whitchurch Primary
Year 5, Whitchurch Primary
Year 5, Whitchurch Primary
Year 5, Whitchurch Primary
Year 5, Whitchurch Primary
Year 5, Whitchurch Primary
Year 5, Winslow CE School
Year 5, Winslow CE School
Year 5, Winslow CE School
Year 5, Winslow CE School
Year 5, St Teresa’s Roman Catholic Primary School
Year 5, St Teresa’s Roman Catholic Primary School
Year 5, St Teresa’s Roman Catholic Primary School
Year 5, St Teresa’s Roman Catholic Primary School
Year 5, St Teresa’s Roman Catholic Primary School

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This is featured in the 'Mixed Media Land and City Scapes' pathway

This is featured in the ‘Mixed Media Land and City Scapes’ pathway

Talking Points: Kittie Jones

Layered Landscapes by Kittie Jones

Talking Points: Vanessa Gardiner

Vanessa Gardiner- Landscape Painter https://vimeo.com/211454959

Talking Points: The Shoreditch Sketcher

Royal Academy by The Shoreditch Sketcher

Expressive Painting & Colour Mixing

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Year 2 Whitchurch Primary School
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Pathway: Expressive Painting

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This is featured in the ‘Expressive Painting’ pathway

Talking Points: Brush Work of Van Gogh & Cezanne

Wheat Field with Cypresses (1889) by Vincent Van Gogh. Original from the MET Museum.

Talking Points: Marela Zacarías

Marela Zacarías

talking points: Charlie French

Charlie French

Session Recording: Expressive Painting

expressive painting on green

Portrait Club

What We Like About This Resource…

“We’re really grateful to Jake from Draw Brighton for sharing this activity which became so well received during lockdown 2020.

This is the perfect reminder that wherever we are in the digital or physical world, we have our eyes, hands and faces, and drawing provides a wonderful opportunity to come together in small groups to make sketches of each other. Use this activity as an ice breaker before a workshop, or as a transition activity between classes or events. Thank you Jake!” Paula, AccessArt

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Pathway: Exploring Identity

This is featured in the 'Exploring Identity' pathway

This is featured in the ‘Exploring Identity’ pathway

Talking Points: Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Making Physical or Digital Layered Portraits

Let Me Inspire You by Mike Barrett

Introduction to Portraits

hester berry IMG3-4

Exploring Portraits in Graphite, Collage and Clay

Exploring Portraiture with Eleanor Somerset

Movement Maps

AccessArt Prompt Cards

The AccessArt Prompt Cards are a series of very short drawing prompts which can be used in a wide variety of situations. You can download the prompts below as a PDF.

Find the recording of the In The Studio session focusing on AccessArt’s Prompt Cards below.


AccessArt Making Prompt Cards Saatchi Learning Workshop By Lala Thorpe

Using the Drawing Prompts as a Warm Up

The Drawing Prompts are a great way to help learners be open about what drawing is and how they make marks on a page. 

Before you work with the drawing cards, consider enabling learners to understand how they hold a pencil, how much pressure they apply, and how they move their arm will effect the marks they make. See Anatomy of a Pencil resource here. 

moving and drawing

Betsy Dadd at St Bede's

teenagers make their own prompt cards

Drawing prompt - drawing for mindfulness

Anatomy of a pencil

Hold your pencil lightly in the tips of your fingers - drawing for mindfulness at Chesterton Community collge

Using the Drawing Prompts as an Aid to Well Being

The resources below share how you might use the Drawing Prompts to help learners develop their appreciation of drawing in the “now” – a useful skill to help build a sense of well being.

drawing as a tool for mindfulness

Mark making - warm up at Chesterton Community College - Drawing for Mindfulness

arts and minds

Arts and Minds - Cambourne - week five - SC

Using the Drawing Prompts as an Aid to Exploring

In the resource below, the AccessArt Drawing prompts were used as a way to help teachers (or learners of any age) explore artwork made by others (in this case an exhibition of the work by Degas at the Fitzwilliam Museum). The drawing prompts help learners collect information in a visual way and help make an individual creative resource.

Drawing in a museum or gallery

Seated Dancer 1873–74 Edgar Degas

Roots & Shoots: A Sculptural Challenge

See This Resource Used In Schools…

Year 2, St Clare's Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire
Year 2, St Clare's Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire
Year 2, St Clare's Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire
Year 2, St Clare's Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire
Year 2, Whitchurch Primary
Year 2, Whitchurch Primary

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Pathway: Stick Transformation project

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This is featured in the ‘Stick Transformation Project’ pathway

Diverse Mark Making

Last week we looked at how we can use sound to help develop our mark making in a very intuitive way. Today we are going to look at how we can develop our mark making skills in a slightly more analytical way – through examining the work of other artists. By doing this, and by using our new mark-making vocabulary in the drawings we make, we can begin to understand how different types of marks create personality and meaning in our drawings.

As with all the AccessArt resources, we want to help learners aim high, but through a series of small steps. And at each of the steps we ensure we are encouraging open-ended, creative experiences so that the learning is really owned by the learner.

Find the recording of the In The Studio session exploring diverse mark-making below.


Activities which help learners identify new marks…

Finding marks through artists

Screenshot 2021-02-16 at 10.55.31

thoughtful mark making

Diverse mark making

drawing clouds and mark making

Drawing clouds and mark making

Typography for children

Typography inspired by grasses

Monoprint with Oil Pastel

Carbon and oil pastel mono print

Flat Yet Sculptural making

"Flat yet sculptural" standing dog!

Making Sculptural Wild Things

A Wild Thing!

Finding Marks Through Drawings Made by Artists

See This Resource Used In Schools

Year 3 Redesdale Primary
Year 3, Whitchurch Primary School
Year 3, Whitchurch Primary School

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This is featured in the ‘Typography and Maps’ pathway

Pathway: Cloth, thread, paint

This is featured in the 'Cloth, Thread, Paint' pathway

This is featured in the ‘Cloth, Thread, Paint’ pathway

Session Recording: Finding Marks Made by Artists

Finding marks made by artists zoom recording