A collection of sources and imagery to explore the work of Carnovsky.
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Carnovsky is a Milan-based art and design duo comprised of Francesco Rugi and Silvia Quintanilla.
RGB is a work about the exploration of the “surface’s deepness”.
RGB designs create surfaces that mutate and interact with different chromatic stimulus.
Carnovsky’s RGB is an ongoing project that experiments with the interaction between printed and light colours. The resulting images are unexpected and disorienting. Colors mix, lines and shapes entwine and not completely clear. Through a coloured filter (a light or a transparent material) it is possible to see clearly the layers in which the image is composed. The filter’s colours are red, green and blue, each one of them serves to reveal one of the three layers. Carnovsky
Questions to Ask Children
Describe what you see.
How does it make you feel when you see the image change before your eyes?
How would it feel to be in that space, interacting with the sculpture?
What do you think the artists are trying to do through the artwork?
Why do you think that light has an effect of specific colours?
This Talking Points Is Used In…
Pathway: Brave Colour
using sketchbooks to make visual notes
Show me what you see