One Material: Sea Sculptures from Plastic Bottles

By Andrea Butler

The plastic pollution in our seas and oceans is an important environmental issue and it led to a conversation at AccessArt as to whether we could construct an object in one recyclable plastic material with nothing else added (PVA, stapes, masking tape etc) so that the whole thing could be recycled in one go. Taking inspiration from the sea, I collected a selection of recyclable milk bottles and water bottles and using only the bottles, labels and the tops, made a collection of sea sculptures.

One Material: Sea Sculptures from plastic bottles by Andrea Butler


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“Faith’s work creating sculptures using recycled or discarded plastic is really beautiful, and exceeds expectation of what we might consider scrap plastic being able to do. The processes she uses, particularly with the dancing figures, are all easily accessible to a school setting, with tape, card, wire being relatively inexpensive and simple to use. Delivering an Art project using waste plastic has cross curricular links with other subject areas, particularly PSHE and Geography where children may be learning about the environment and how to protect it” – Tobi, AccessArt.

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