Building Stories by June Nelson

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One girl's story - Building Stories Workshop by June Nelson
One girl’s story – Building Stories Workshop by June Nelson


Artist and educator June Nelson shares how she used photography, collage and iPads in Towner Contemporary Art Museum, Eastbourne to encourage looking, collaborating, and telling visual stories.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Building Stories by June Nelson

These two half-term workshops for the Towner Contemporary Art Museum in Eastbourne, were inspired by the exhibition of film work by the Swedish artist, John Skoog. ‘Redoubt’ was a visually dark piece – not an obvious starting point for young children.

The workshops were only 2 hours long, with a morning session for 5 to 8-year-olds and an afternoon session for 8 to 11-year-olds. Nevertheless, it is an adaptable project that could be used for any age group, over a longer period, and in many different types of building. In the time available, it wouldn’t have been possible to make a film similar to John Skoog’s, with its long, slow pan over a dark, abandoned building, but I wanted to use the large modern gallery as the basis of work that encouraged looking, collaborating, and telling visual stories.

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