Watercolour Washes Inspired by the Tapestries of Henry Moore

By Paula Briggs

This week in the Drawing Workshop for ages 6 to 10, we continued our exploration of drawing vegetables.  The workshop introduced the children to using watercolour washes and explored themes of still life, restricted palettes, mixed media and tonal washes.  The tapestries of Henry Moore were used as inspiration for the session.

Watercolour washes - Curly kale watercolour study, by Kelly aged 7
Curly kale watercolour study, by Kelly aged 7

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Year 6, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 6, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 6, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 6, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 6, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton

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