Collaging with Wax Crayon Rubbings

In this activity children will explore a range of different textures found in nature and around the building through wax crayon rubbings. This resource is aimed at EYFS and SEND, helping them to explore the world around them in new and exciting ways. Pupils will go onto create a collage from their rubbings, promoting skills such as mark-making and dexterity, as well as nurturing their curiosity about textures and surfaces in the world.

Wax Crayon Rubbings by Tobi Meuwissen

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Still Life Compositions: Inspired by Cezanne

What We Like About This Resource….

“This activity walks through a number of different processes and taps into multiple skills.This provides a rich exploratory project for children to fully immerse themselves in. Cezanne was the focus artist for this project, but other contemporary still life painters could be used as starter inspiration. We actually advocate showing the work of more than one artist as this builds knowledge of how approaches to painting, drawing etc differ. This also helps children move towards a personal response rather than creating a ‘copy’ of one particular artist’s work” – Rachel, AccessArt

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