Turning Paper into Fur – Creative Drawing Prompts

AccessArt shares many creative drawing prompts on the website – but this one is always a winner!

It is a workshop that we have run several times, always with great results. The original workshop was aimed at 6 to 10 year olds, but adults and older children have enjoyed it just as much.

Fake fur to draw

We started off by giving participants small squares of fake fur fabric in various prints. Each participant was asked to study the fur – exploring it not just by sight, but also of course by touch. What happens when you balance the fur on your finger – how does the weight of the material make the fur act? How do the fibres act when you rub them against their grain?

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School
Year 2, Ruth at Carden Primary School

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