Sketching from a Source and Using Photocopies to Develop a Sketchbook Approach

Sheila Ceccarelli led two sketchbook sessions to encourage teenagers from AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class to develop a ‘sketchbook approach’. In the first week teenagers practiced sketching from a source (the river and trees) and then in the second worked in the studio using photocopies (of the river and tree drawings) to create abstracted collages.

The session was led at twilight - photo by Adam
The session was led at twilight – photo by Adam


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Many thanks to students of AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class for sharing their process and finished results with AccessArt.

Many thanks to Pisces for generously supplying pastels, pens, charcoal and scissors used in this session to AccessArt.

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What We Like About This Resource….

“Rachel has contributed some great resources to AccessArt and we really like how this idea captures the concept of ‘returning’ – something that school children will have processed over the past year. We love how this activity encourages hands to feel and move paint about freely – to experience its qualities and tactile nature. You could try this in your setting using different migratory birds such as Ospreys or Swifts as inspiration, with the children looking at images of these birds before trying some observational drawing.” – Rachel, AccessArt.

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