Creativity Medals

By Jan Miller

Jan Miller is an Art and Design Technology teacher and magazine editor with 25 years’ experience. In this resource, Jan demonstrates the process of creating imaginative and unique medals using recycled materials.


Making medals out of recycled materials by Jan Miller

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

See the Resource Used in Schools…

Year 1, Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Year 1, Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Year 1, Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Year 1, Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton

What We Like About This Resource….

“The sentiment behind this resource idea is lovely and it provides an opportunity to really develop some fine motor skills as well as independence of approach. Taking ownership of the medal design means the sense of achievement is heightened beyond the children just being given one. You can really imagine the positive energy that would surround this activity within a classroom, with each child working on a shared project but embarking on their own creative journey.”  – Rachel, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource….

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What We Like About This Resource….

“There’s a really fun element to this activity which is you can imagine all children really enjoying! The idea of food on large scale is a great starter for a sculpture project and an early exploration of working in 3D. What’s really positive to see in this project is how the children used their sketchbooks to design their ice creams prior to working in 3D. They then had the opportunity to re visit and refine their ideas as they worked. This provides a sold foundation for the concept of design development and design through making- both of which underpin any visual arts or design project or profession. For more support on how to develop sketchbook practice in your setting please see our Sketchbook Journey” – Rachel, AccessArt

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