Illustrating a Book: The Making of Rabbit, Cactus, Accident

By Yu-Ching Chiu

In this resource, illustrator Yu-Ching Chiu shares with us the process of creating her silent book Rabbit, Cactus, Accident. This post may be of interest to students thinking about how they might create their own illustrated book.

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

What We Like About This Resource…

“I really like how Yu-Ching’s process combines hand-drawing and painting, before moving across to digital. Combining those processes ensures that the illustrations retain a very warm, tactile look to them, but the digital element refines the imagery. We really like what Yu-Ching says about the benefits of silent books being universally understood and feel that the benefits and challenges of not using words means that the imagery has to be really clear, which encourages lots of exciting creative problem-solving.” – Tobi, AccessArt

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“This activity is a great example of how we can use paper as the focus of creativity. Often we use paper purely for drawing or painting on, but here, it is central to the activity itself. While these particular folded sculptures have their roots in Turkish culture, you could still deliver the activity if looking at things like Origami too, thus linking it across different cultures” – Rachel, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource….

“It’s interesting to hear Theresa describe Printmaking as a social activity, with the shared use of materials and equipment so central to the practice. This could be a positive way of working for lots of children in school, where instead of just working on individual art work, they can collaborate and embrace the creative sharing experience!” – Tobi, AccessArt.

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“It’s really interesting to hear how Su’s career path evolved organically, and how experimenting with different disciplines such as ceramics and sculpture whilst studying Textiles at the RCA began her journey towards paper craft and books. We really like how the small book sculptures inspired the larger scale set designs for The Snow Queen. They transfer so effectively to the stage and you can imagine how engaging it would be for a young audience to recognise letters and words on lampposts and other scenic elements”. – Rachel, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource…

“This resource shows pupils how the experience, background and passions of an illustrator all feed into his or her work.

We like the way Natsko shares how her experience over time informs her work. For example, her background as a “visitor” or person living in cultures which she isn’t initially familiar with, enable her to see that culture through fresh eyes. She takes these observations in through her sketchbooks, and then these inform her work at various points going forward. This is an important concept when facilitating art and developing pupils’ own creativity – and sketchbooks provide the perfect tool for building this experience.” Paula, AccessArt

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