Sketchbooks! Before Your Start

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Drawing Materials (whatever you have in the house: pen, pencil, rubber, felt tips, markers, coloured pencils, pastels etc)

Assorted Paper (all kinds, including recycled paper from old letters and envelops, tracing paper, graph paper etc AND / OR

A bought sketchbook (any kind)

Scissors, glue, tape, string

Piece of corrugated cardboard

Large elastic band

It would be good to start collecting a pile of old magazines – if you can get your hands on old gardening supplements, nature magazines or children’s magazines.

As well as magazines you can look out for old wrapping paper, printed paper, postcards, old photographs, old books etc.

Remember you can post images of your sketchbook work on Instagram Tag @accessartorguk #accessartsketchbook


1. What Makes a sketchbook \"exciting\"


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