Sketchbooks: AccessArt & SP.ACD

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Sketchbook use in schools

You DO have permission: from educationalists, creative practitioners, National Curriculum even Ofsted… 

Sketchbooks as places to practice skills... The aim: To build skills through experience

And develop personality…

Drawing Brushes with Charcoal

“I Don’t Want To Know Where I’m Going…” Anna Bjerger, Painter

Sketchbooks as places where you can set yourself challenges, and discover... The aim: To build trust in creative process (and your role in that)

Sketchbooks are places that can be made “safe” (by not being marked, by validating a variety of ways of working in them, by providing a loose structure or framework), so that children feel safe to “not know”. 

Sketchbooks as places to nurture ownership of learning The Aim: To engage & enable children to find their own way

Children need to be given permission to “own” their sketchbooks. Sketchbooks should put children right at their centre of their own learning. 

Wall Paper Sketchbooks

Sketchbooks as places in which to explore and experiment The Aim: To feel comfortably taking creative risks

Sketchbooks should be places where children feel they can fail, and are ok with that, OR discover something which wasn’t the intention of the teacher…

Elizabeth Dagger

Ink in a Concertina Sketchbook

Elizabeth Dagger

Sketchbook Painting Process

What is a Drawing Tool?

Drawing in the Dark

Drawing in response to surface and object

Sketchbooks as places to understand other people's work, and make your own creative response... The Aim: To interprete

Sketchbooks should empower children to reinvent – with the belief/knowledge that what they invent/create/contribute is every bit as valuable as the source of inspiration…

Sketchbooks as tools through which you can explore your space The Aim: To encourage curiosity, engagement and confidence in creative response

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Screenshot 2021-12-06 at 17.01.13

Sketchbooks can give pupils and teachers the opportunity to share perceptions  and experiences and come together…

Travel Book Natsko Seki

Hear how Natsko finds inspiration as she walks around London

Architecture According to Pigeons

See Natsko's illustrations in this animation

Urban Sketching

How "urban sketching" works

Sketchbooks as "project places" to hold diverse elements together... The Aim: To nurture divergent thinking

Sketchbooks should be full of energy and momentum… Think “Sketchbook Day” to see just how much can be generated in one session, and how engaging nurtures outcome. 

Sketchbooks as places for reflection The Aim: To understand your own processes and thinking

Sketchbooks as tools to develop thinking skills – BUT: Enjoy and embrace the idiosyncratic nature of the language which emerges…

Louise Fletcher

Abstract Painter Louise Fletcher talks us through how she uses her sketchbooks to develop ideas for paintings

Watch these videos with your pupils whenever you need a reminder about why sketchbooks are such useful creative tools...

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