Shoe La-la Project by Lala Thorpe

Artist Educator Lala Thorpe shares her workshop process for making exciting shoe sculpture from clay.
This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.
SHOE La-la: A Shoe Sculpture Project by Lala Thorpe
Artescape is an independent art programme for children aged 6-11yrs based in Islington, North London. The workshops are run on a Saturday from a purpose built studio based in a local school. I have been Director and lead teacher for the past 10 years and deliver a broad range of workshops, both topic and skills based. Every 10 week term we usually make a gallery visit as part of our focus and many parents enjoy this experience too! The Shoe project is part of a Fashion and Art topic which I ran with the 8-11 year olds, which included visiting the fabulously theatrical show of John Paul Gaultier’s creations at the Barbican earlier this year.
I started this project as part of an exploration into fashion and different ways to access materials as an artistic process as well making observational work about the things we wear. We used clay as it’s a very popular medium with the children, this focused them on 3d modeling skills.
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Sheila, AccessArt
December 3, 2014 @ 12:46 pm
Lucky, lucky students! This would have been my favorite project ever if I’d had a chance to do it as a child! Thanks very much Lala for sharing your inspiration with AccesArt!