Red to Green: Making Sculpture

By Sheila Ceccarelli

In this session, learners at Red2Green explored making sculpture.

Students had seen some sculptures on a visit to the 20th Century rooms at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, but had little experience of making and limited exposure to Modern and Contemporary approaches.

Like in the previous session Steps to Observational Drawing, I thought it would be beneficial to try and break down processes to make incremental steps towards creating a finished piece. I wanted students to be pushed to explore how to make a free standing sculpture encompassing some modern, sculptural principles of form, shape and balance, yet with an accessible and tangible approach to working.

Luke, learner at Red2Green delighted with his finished sculpture in the Arts Council funded Aspire to Create project
Luke, learner at Red2Green delighted with his finished sculpture in the Arts Council funded Aspire to Create project


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