Gabby Savage-Dickson: Felting & Embroidering Sets


By Gabby Savage-Dickson

Gabby Savage-Dickson is a multidisciplinary artist who has recently graduated from Manchester School of Art. Within her work she merges her love for embroidery and illustration to create colourful lively sets. In this post she shares the inspirations and processes behind her work, and the successes of merging different skillsets. This post may be of interest to primary and secondary aged students and will inspire you to craft the house of your dreams.


Felted and Embroidered Blue Room by Gabby Dickson

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

What We Like About This Resource....

“It’s really interesting to see how Gabby works across the different disciplines of textiles and illustration in her work, and you can see how the principles of each are present in these beautifully made felt sets. We enjoyed learning how she went between planning and making – showing that the process of creating isn’t completely linear, and that the journey of idea creation can happen through sketching ideas, but also through making itself” – Andrea, AccessArt

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