Sculpture in Primary School

3-D Visual Maps for Children
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Teenagers Work on an Art Project for the Community
Teenagers work to a brief to create Two Mannequins for ‘Friends at Mitcham’s Corner’ Project.

Drawing with Wire: The Polymeric Approach by Julie de Bastion
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Bad Cat: Inspiration for Art Week
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Painting on Plaster, Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh
Beautifully illustrated resource which introduces still life via an unusual combination of materials: plaster, oil pastel, graphite and linseed oil.
How does the Sculpture Balance?
Construction-based sculpture project inspired by Ben Nicholson’s paintings. Encourages children to take more risks by asking them to through their sculptures “off balance”.
Full AccessArt Members Only
Cardboard Sculptures
Staff at Ridgefield Primary School Cambridge explore an open-ended exploration of sculptural materials and techniques.
Drawing and Making Flowers
Using drawing to inspire making sculptural flowers.
Clay Slab Work by Andy Cairns
Andy Cairns, sculptor, works with year five children to make a ‘demon dog head’ using self hardening clay formed around a simple armature.
Skull Sculptures: using Paper and Tape to Interpret Form
Teenagers sculpturally explore animal skulls, by making three dimensional interpretations of the forms in heavy, white paper and coloured tape or masking tape. Full AccessArt Members Only