Sculptural Modroc Shoes!


By Paula Briggs

Last week we ran an hour long session with the lovely people from Comberton Beavers. They wanted a hands-on making session and weren’t afraid of mess!

I decided to run a session which would enable the children to make their own piece of sculpture out of modroc. If you’ve not used modroc before (basically plaster impregnated bandage), then you can find lots of tips in our How to Use ModRoc resource. Although you do need to take into account a few considerations (washable floor, access to water, lots of helpers), modroc is a great material for making sculpture with children, enabling them to model and construct. It’s also very versatile in terms of what you do with the modroc surface when the sculpture is finished.

For this hour-long session I asked the Beavers to bring in an old shoe. The shoe was to form the basis of their sculpture, but first I made sure they all had an understanding of what sculpture was, or might be…

Modroc shoes: A painted, re-styled modroc shoe!
A painted, re-styled modroc shoe!


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