Sculptural Constraints Workshop by Susie Olczak


By Susie Olczak

I believe strongly that arts education should do as much as possible to mimic what it is really like as a creative in the professional world.

This workshop, for students at AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class, looked at the idea of the constraints that might come up when creating a sculpture for a gallery or public space, and hoped to give a sense, that often the things that might initially hinder a project, can actually be a source of inspiration and good starting points for creativity.

First of all I talked to the group about some of the issues that you might have when creating sculpture: i.e. sticking to briefs, making sure it stands up, is safe, won’t fall over, can get into a van and into a gallery space etc.

I asked students to get into pairs/small groups. I prefer group work as it allows for collaboration, skill sharing and brings a lot of energy into the classroom.

The groups then had to pick a ‘constraint’ written on pieces of paper on the table.

Image 1- constraints on the table - Susie Olczak
‘Sculptural Constraints’ on the table

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