Rowan: Making a Clay Bird from a Mould


The photos below were taken over several weekly visits to Rowan, Cambridge, where I was invited to document sessions led by Abi Moore and Sarah Nibbs in the ceramics room. The aim was to capture artist led facilitation in a setting for adults with learning disabilities and see the students’ work progress over the course of a project.

Below, Abi and students describe how they made clay birds from a plaster mould.

By Abi Moore and Students at Rowan, Cambridge – photos by Sheila Ceccarelli (AccessArt)

Artist Abi Moore, one of the tutors in the ceramic room at Rowan, Cambridge
Artist Abi Moore, one of the tutors in the ceramic room at Rowan, Cambridge


Below, students show how they made a collection of ceramic birds, from robins and dotterels to ducks using a plaster mould and coloured slip glazes to create individual and unique pieces.

Other birds by students at the Rowan Foundation
Birds made with a mould by students at Rowan, Cambridge


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