Rachel Burch


Rachel Burch

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Rachel Burch is Head of Art and Design at Burton Hathow Preparatory School in Lincolnshire. She qualified as a teacher from De Montfort University specialising in the Arts and now teaches at school on a part-time basis.  

Outside of school, Rachel is a practising studio potter and throws in stoneware and porcelain. Her work is essentially functional, and cleanly glazed.  Rachel has a particular interest in making vessels for Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, of which she is also a student.  This can involve more complex constructions with elements of hand-building being included.

Burton Hathow Preparatory School is situated within its own woodland and has a lake. This immediate natural environment offers a myriad of possibilities when it comes to observation and stimulus for art. The children start working with her in Year 2 and continue on a weekly basis through to year 6. It is unusual for a teacher to have the opportunity to work with a child over several years and it is this that enables her to experiment and take risks with the curriculum, because she knows each child so well. This true understanding of ‘where’ the child is enables her to nurture and extend each child to their full potential.




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