Quick Clay Figurative Sketches

By Paula Briggs

This session formed one of a series of sessions which provided young children with the opportunity to explore clay as a “short term” construction and modelling material. Without being fired, the dry clay has a limited lifespan, and the sculptures will crumble, but I think it’s important to remind oursleves that even without access to a kiln, clay can still be regarded as a valuable sculptural material.

In this session I wanted to give children in my art class for ages 7,8 and 9 the opportunity to create a series of clay “sketches” around a figurative theme.

Quick clay figurative sketch
Quick clay figurative sketch


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Year 4 Whitchurch Primary School
Year 4 Whitchurch Primary School
Year 4 Whitchurch Primary School
Year 4 Whitchurch Primary School

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