AccessArt Prompt Cards

The AccessArt Prompt Cards are a series of very short drawing prompts which can be used in a wide variety of situations. You can download the prompts below as a PDF.

Find the recording of the In The Studio session focusing on AccessArt’s Prompt Cards below.


AccessArt Making Prompt Cards Saatchi Learning Workshop By Lala Thorpe

Using the Drawing Prompts as a Warm Up

The Drawing Prompts are a great way to help learners be open about what drawing is and how they make marks on a page. 

Before you work with the drawing cards, consider enabling learners to understand how they hold a pencil, how much pressure they apply, and how they move their arm will effect the marks they make. See Anatomy of a Pencil resource here. 

moving and drawing

Betsy Dadd at St Bede's

teenagers make their own prompt cards

Drawing prompt - drawing for mindfulness

Anatomy of a pencil

Hold your pencil lightly in the tips of your fingers - drawing for mindfulness at Chesterton Community collge

Using the Drawing Prompts as an Aid to Well Being

The resources below share how you might use the Drawing Prompts to help learners develop their appreciation of drawing in the “now” – a useful skill to help build a sense of well being.

drawing as a tool for mindfulness

Mark making - warm up at Chesterton Community College - Drawing for Mindfulness

arts and minds

Arts and Minds - Cambourne - week five - SC

Using the Drawing Prompts as an Aid to Exploring

In the resource below, the AccessArt Drawing prompts were used as a way to help teachers (or learners of any age) explore artwork made by others (in this case an exhibition of the work by Degas at the Fitzwilliam Museum). The drawing prompts help learners collect information in a visual way and help make an individual creative resource.

Drawing in a museum or gallery

Seated Dancer 1873–74 Edgar Degas