Drawings with Mass: Potatoes, Playmobil and Henry Moore


By Paula Briggs.

Children aged 6 to 10 had great fun making drawings inspired by sculptor Henry Moore. Many thanks to the Henry Moore Foundation at Perry Green for permission to use the images by Moore.

Three Reclining Figures 1975 HMF 75(8) watercolour wash, charcoal, chalk, gouache on blotting paper 263 x 217mm photo: The Henry Moore Foundation archive, Michel Muller
Three Reclining Figures 1975 HMF 75(8) watercolour wash, charcoal, chalk, gouache on blotting paper 263 x 217mm photo: The Henry Moore Foundation archive, Michel Muller

 Reproduced by permission of The Henry Moore Foundation archive

We started off with an introduction to Henry Moore and some of his drawings. I introduced the children to the idea that many of Moore’s sculptures were large in scale, and that he was interested in mass, volume, material and gravity. We talked about how you could see these interests in his drawings – how the contour marks he made helped describe volume and mass and how you can sense the weight of the objects, and the effects of gravity pulling the objects towards the earth. I showed the children how Moore’s special “contour” lines convey the form of the object by drawing lines with a felt pen on a potato.

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