Portrait Club

By Jake Spicer

In this resource Jake Spicer, Head Tutor at Draw Brighton, demonstrates how portraiture can be brought into the classroom setting in a light-hearted and flexible way, to encourage intuitive observational drawing. This activity is suitable for all age ranges from young children to adults and can be used as a warm-up or as a dedicated hour long session. Any material can be used throughout the session, however it does work particularly well in cheap media that cannot be erased.

The first rule of Portrait Club: everybody must pose for portrait club.

Portrait Club Sketch by Jake Spicer

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

What We Like About This Resource…

“We’re really grateful to Jake from Draw Brighton for sharing this activity which became so well received during lockdown 2020.

This is the perfect reminder that wherever we are in the digital or physical world, we have our eyes, hands and faces, and drawing provides a wonderful opportunity to come together in small groups to make sketches of each other. Use this activity as an ice breaker before a workshop, or as a transition activity between classes or events. Thank you Jake!” Paula, AccessArt

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