“Plasticine Models & Decorated Plinths ” Inspired by the Book ‘Dirty Beasts’ by Roald Dahl & illustrated by Quentin Blake

By Sharon Gale, The Art Cabin

Student with her ant eater sculpture inspired by the Roald Dahl poem The Ant Eater
Student with her Anteater sculpture inspired by the Roald Dahl poem The Ant Eater

September 13th 2016 saw the celebration of 100 years since the birth of Roald Dahl, so I thought it would be a nice idea to create a project based around his poetry book ‘Dirty Beasts’ and a great opportunity to look at the illustrations by Quentin Blake.

Caption- Sharon Gale reading Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl to her art club students
Sharon Gale reading Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl to her art club students

The finished artwork would be a sculpture inspired by the ghastly beasts mentioned in the poems, positioned on a plinth decorated with marbled paper and mixed media.

This particular project incorporates observational drawing, illustration, modelling with Newplast, marbling inks and mixed media. It was carried out over seven, one hour sessions.

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