Performance & Progression in Primary Art & Design


By Paul Carney

In his 2018 Ofsted Inspection blog ‘Assessment – What Are Inspectors Looking At?’ (still current as of Feb 2021), National Director of Education Sean Harford writes:  

“When it comes to inspection, inspectors are looking to see that a school’s assessment system supports the pupils’ journeys through the curriculum. Inspectors do not need to see quantities of data, spreadsheets, graphs and charts on how children are performing. What inspectors do want to see is the assessment information your school uses, in the format that you find works best, to help you know how well your pupils are doing at the point they are at in your curriculum. And then, crucially, what you do with that information to support better pupil achievement. “

 Here then, are my eight points for measuring performance and progress in art:

1. What do you want to assess?

Identify the areas of assessment.

2. what are the starting points?

You can only measure progress once you know the starting points.

3. assess a range of activities

Assessment should be built on a range of measures.

4. A tool for improvement

Assessment should build confidence and provide direction.

5. attainment and progression

What is the difference between Attainment and Progression?

6. make assessment inclusive

Assessment should support all abilities.

7. be mindful of hidden assessment

Not all assessment is obvious!

8. make sure you are consistent

How do you standardise assessment to get consistent results?

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