Pathway: An Exploration of Coal Mining, Inspired By Henry Moore
Pathway for Years 4 & 5
Drawing, Sketchbooks, Construction
Key Concepts:
That when we draw, we can use expressive marks to create tonal variety.
That we can use both images and words as a starting point to create work.
That we can combine drawing and making to make a creative response.
That when we photograph 3D work, we can use light and tonal value to capture a sense of space, and we can use the qualities of the material (charcoal) to capture the atmosphere.
In this pathway, children discover how they can combine drawing and making to capture a sense of enclosed space using charcoal and model making materials.
Children are freed from the constraints of creating representational drawings based on observation – instead they use the qualities of the medium to work in dynamic ways. They will also see how 2d drawing can be combined with 3d making to create a sense of space.
Theme: Coal mining, Relationship of Body to Place, Enclosed Spaces
Charcoal, Construction Materials
Artists: Henry Moore
This pathway will take approximately half a term, based upon a weekly art lesson.
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!
This pathway has been made in response to the exhibition Drawing in The Dark, a curation of Henry Moore’s coal mining drawings, inspired by the release of a new book written by art historian (and AccessArt Trustee), Chris Owen.

Additional Pathway
This pathway is an additional pathway to help you extend, develop or further personalise the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum.
We suggest this pathway is used to replace a “Working in 3 Dimensions” (Blue) or a “Drawing and Sketchbooks” (Orange) pathway for ages 7 and above.
It could replace the drawing pathway “Gestural Drawing with Charcoal” pathway or making pathway “Set Design“.
You may also like to use the activities in this pathway with a smaller group of children in an after school club or community context.

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
Session Recording: Exploring Charcoal
Curriculum Links
History: World War II
Science: Rocks, Electricity, Environmental changes
PSHE: Supports Responsibility to the planet, Collaboration, Peer Discussion.
I Can…
I can explore how artists sometimes make art inspired by certain places/experiences
I have experimented with the types of marks I can make with charcoal
I can use light and dark tonal values to create atmosphere in my work
I can construct a model using cardboard and paper, combining drawing and making to make my own creative response
I can talk about the work I have made with my classmates, sharing the things I thought were successful and thinking about things I would like to try again
I can appreciate the work of my classmates and I can share my response to their work, identifying similarities and differences in our approach and outcomes.
I can take photographs of my work thinking about presentation, focus and lighting.