Painting the Light and the Dark…

By Paula Briggs

At the AccessArt Art Club for ages 8, 9 and 10, I wanted to spend a few weeks giving children the opportunity to brush up (forgive the pun!) on a few seeing, drawing and painting skills around the theme of still life.

This is the second resource in the series, which shares how we spent three weeks using paint to help communicate tonal values. See how we prepared for this session by Show Me What You See!

Warm Up

We began with a very playful and free ten minute warm up exercise painting crisps. The children worked on scraps of brown cardboard (nice neutral ground) and were given limited acrylic paints (red, yellow, blue).

A Quaver and its shadow!
A Quaver and its shadow!


A Quaver and its shadow!
A Quaver and its shadow!


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