Painting the Savannah by Chloe Williams


40 artist title Chloe Williams

Painting the Savannah in mixed media


Artist Chloe Williams introduces children attending a workshop at Back Lane Artspace, to colour and printmaking on an ambitious and energetic scale.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Painting the Savannah: Horizons, Colour, Printing and Painting by Chloe Williams

This project was initially created as one of many jungle themed activities for my Little Art Club (2-5yr olds). At Little Art Club, the emphasis is on exploring materials and allowing the children to make their own decisions. The project spanned over 2 separate sessions so that the monoprints could dry before the next stage.

I have chosen this activity to share because it can work with pre- school, Foundation / KS1 and KS2 children.  It also covers a range of art practices: mono printing, drawing, colour mixing, painting, landscapes/skyscapes, stencils, collage and scale.

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