Screen Printing using Overlaid Pattern


By Paula Briggs

This resource shares a method for making screen printed papers, exploring pattern, and repetition. It’s a great way for teenagers or adults to explore screen printing. The method results in lots of patterned papers being printed in a quick period of time and it will really suit those who like to work intuitively and experimentally. You might also like this resource in which we used the printed papers to create a one-of-a-kind sketchbook!

Over Printing to create pattern


The aim behind this activity is to explore overlay printing to create pattern. In summary, stencils are drawn based upon a shared grid system. The grid system enables each stencil to share a basic structure (which lends itself to over printing), whilst giving enough freedom to make each stencil unique. The result is a wide range of patterned papers with an organic, inventive feel.

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